Sunday 11 February 2024

What to Choose? #watertower 10

It’s difficult to make a choice at somewhere that you haven’t been to before with such a big menu and you’re not sure if you’ll be back again. It all sounds simple yet there’s plenty of interesting ingredients. There was also  a lack of menus and as they hadn’t printed disposable paper ones I found it easier to take a photo of the wall-mounted one to share with the group. How often do they change it? It must cost a fortune in printing, but you’ve also got to think about the current situation and how it will be served. In the end I think we settled for cobs with a side of chips. It might have been all that was available at the time. It’s a shame that we couldn’t go back to try the full menu. Perhaps it should have been covered over. Maybe it’s a sign of things to come.

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