Saturday 10 February 2024

Mr Bates Vs The Post Office

This was a very emotional drama. The worst thing was that it was real and that people have actually suffered, and that it took a mainstream audience to demand action, of which a lot of it came too late. I loved Knight’s cynical attitude to the situation, but he wasn’t a character that you could warm to. Instead there was Jo, even though she was a bit naïve. But you could tell from the start that something was going on when it was the same auditors pulling into the Post Office stating that ‘you’re the only one’. When it came to the court cases and procedures, things got a bit hard to follow other than the reactions from the subpostmasters. Yet as it drew to a conclusion, Bates seemed to distance himself from the proceedings and didn’t want anything to do with the finale. Perhaps he was representing the ongoing situation.

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