Tuesday 20 February 2024

Imagine an approach where something went wrong in a venue and the venue wasn't to blame...

As a manager, it’s your responsibility to take charge of your surroundings. What’s hindering you? What can be avoided? What’s high risk? If you’ve got everything right, the only reason that things can go wrong is because of other people. You never know what reactions might occur. It could be something as simple as a chair not put back in its place for someone to trip over. With the right foresight, planning and training, you can make this a reality. If you can predict that it will happen, you can think of how to react to it correctly so that you’re helping the situation rather than being labelled as a cause of it, especially if the blame clearly belongs to somebody else. It’ll make you look cooperative in the eyes of the community, and it’ll help you to avoid a lawsuit. If you haven’t got a plan in place then you’re going to get a lot of bad publicity very quickly.

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