Thursday 8 February 2024

Shell without the Bomb

She’s blonde and cute with petite short hair with the small height to match. If it’s long enough, she’ll tie it into a ponytail. She likes to keep fit by playing sport. At times she’s the ultimate blonde, but she’s not afraid to ask questions to find out more, even if it embarrasses her slightly. She has a few freckles around her cheeks and a pair of thick glasses which gives her an intellectual look. There’s some small perky lady lumps in just the right place to keep things interesting, with a small but curvy tight behind that’s mostly encased in jeans. She likes to keep herself wrapped up tight and isn’t keen to leave anything on show. She likes conversation but doesn’t like to initiate it often and likes to keep things quiet and polite without drawing attention to herself. She likes to keep things girly like a horny teenager.

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