Friday 16 February 2024

Cup or Cone?

I love heading out to the ice cream bar. We’d do it often while on holiday after a meal, particularly if the sundaes weren’t cheap or available and if we were restless after our entrees and wanted to stretch our legs on our way back to our accommodation. Sometimes there’d be a crazy golf course where we could burn off excess energy while our parents watched while sneaking in a drink at a nearby alfresco bar. But there’s an age-old question, and it might even define who you are: cup or cone? I always like to keep on the move, so I always opt for the cone. It’s versatile and you can take a lick while still having a hand free while focusing on your surroundings. You can also eat the vessel without having to worry about disposing your container, except maybe the serviette that you’re given to help keep yourself clean since it’s very messy. However, if you like to stop and savour the flavour, you’d go for the cup. Even though it’s less food (which is why it’s slightly cheaper), you’d want to look for a place to sit rather than take it with you. You might even have the option to dine in. order a second scoop and you know that the server is going to have to stuff the first one deep into the cone.

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