Tuesday 6 February 2024

Assembling Marvel #dreamdiary 171

I’m in the cinema with my friend. We’re watching the latest Marvel film. It opens with a character attempting to open a giant door alongside another character. Everyone should know how the door opens since it’s in the first scene of the very first film but everyone seems to have forgotten this, including the lead character. The sequence is completed successfully but Thor reveals himself to be trapped and bound inside the bolt mechanism while stuck in another dimension. My friend asks me how he ended up there. Luckily, there’s no-one else in the cinema so I have no problem answering him that I haven’t seen the latest Thor movie. Above us, Thanos arrives at Earth in his ship. We suddenly need to work out which character is aligned to who before things get too complicated. Then Loki arrives and he’s managed to summon from Mjolnir his vault to free Thor.

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