Friday 23 February 2024

Lightning Man #watertower 15

What a helpful and handy fellow! It’s a novel place to put lighting in. it saves cables from having to be tied around branches, though this is probably the cheapest and ugliest option. Instead, someone’s had to physically drill through this figure and feed a wire through it. It also creates a fun backdrop for kids to lean against the trunk and do a handstand in intimidation of the figure above them. Worryingly, there’s an extra piece of wood hanging between the figure’s legs. It’s hard to say whether this is a result of vandalism since it’s less noticeable if you picture the figure standing upright. Maybe the original piece was a metaphor for trying to feed rubbish into the trunk to encourage people to hide it or take it home. Or perhaps there was a plan to put a litter bin inside the trunk, but the standard issue council bin was too large for the tree.


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