Thursday 22 February 2024

An Inconvient Route #dreamdiary 172

I’m on the south side of London. I need to get across to the north side to catch a train home, but there’s been a line closure on the underground and I’ve got to find another line to cross under the Thames. The only line that’s available is the circle line which is absolutely packed. Knowing that I’m going to be home much later than planned, I decide to seek out a mobile battery for my hone or I’m not going to get very far. I google my nearest Argos and start planning a route for it after making sure that my item’s available. I arrive at a large red-brick building with similar shops but I can’t locate my destination. I get my phone out to plot a new route, and it turns out that I’ve still got a little bit to walk. The map suggests that I cut across the delivery roads of the red-brick building, and in the process I spot a road sign for Argos. I follow its direction which leads me down a dirt-track to a shanty building with an Argos sign on the side. And it’s closed.

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