Wednesday 7 February 2024

Flow of Life #watertower 8

I wonder if the individual squares represent different trades of the town. It’s not good for the tree. It’s ironic that someone’s destroyed nature to create art which represents nature, though it’s probably cheaper than piping in a fountain or employing a man to pour water out of a bucket all day long. They might have had trouble in finding someone who was toned the same. I suppose they had to give him trousers otherwise people would think that he might me doing something else. I suppose it could also be a bucket full of ropes. Hopefully the tree was rotten or dangerous and had to be pulled down anyway. I’d like to think it’d be there the next time we visit without being painted or vandalised. Or maybe a new sculpture would be put in its place. They could even make an exhibition, although more trees would have to be cut down.

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