Monday 26 February 2024

To England, with Love

This is a forgettable film with a beige cast whose actors have very little skills. It’s in a similar frame to tacky Christmas films where a stranger comes to reside in a small community and undergoes an epiphany which transforms their way of life. Rather than an exploration of England as promised, we’re treated to a brief shot of London and a cabbie before viewing the rest in a rural coastal town. I took a good guess at the cab fayre and got pretty close. Even the film crew got lost with the charm of it all since there are plenty of shots of the scenery and extensive coverage of the steam railway. The argument scenes between the couple-to-be are just too forced at times and erupt quite randomly. Toward has spent too much time in action films and doesn’t like to be kept still, while her partner has little experience, and it’s all quite predictable without any mystery.

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