Sunday 18 February 2024

Ruby Ruby Ruby

Few people are fans of supermarket curries. They’re usually prepacked in ice and watered down to  make a quick buck for a quick meal. But this one was actually decent. The chicken was tender and was put in the most succulent of sauces which had a decent spice whilst also being creamy. It was accompanied by a coconut rice which was seasoned and even had sultanas for a nice, sweet taste. The only thing that lets it down is the portion size. I decided to add a naan bread to mine which was toasted to perfection in the air fryer, and there was enough sauce for me to dip into its container after I had decanted it onto a plate. Even the plastic seemed a decent quality as I like to create a bed of rice to put my curry onto, and the sauce usually drips out of the tray into the rice compartment, but not in this case.

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