Saturday 17 February 2024

Meet the Gang #watertower 13

There’s some interesting players in this establishment. They’re all dressed smartly in black trousers, white shirts and black ties, and they’re always happy to serve, but it does make them look like undertakers. The landlord is softly spoken with a London accent, and he’s keen to do anything he can to promote his business. He’ll happily invest in anything with open hospitality if he knows the gesture will reach out and generate more sales. He likes to use as many search terms as possible in his publicity to try and got noticed online. His partner is clearly the accountant of the team and never seems to crack a smile. The youngest is also the tallest and he’s built like a bouncer, but he’s always happy and chirpy in his hospitality and it’s amazing how he fits behind the bar. He’s always keen to compliment anyone with a good sense of humour, but he never fails to displease his masters.

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