Monday 1 November 2021

Swans or Flamingos?

After lunch, we headed back out to see the rest of the park. There were some very well-attended gardens and lakes with some excellent views of some flamingos. At one point, we thought they were one-legged swans as a few of them were white, but we chalked it up to the flock being very young. It didn’t take long before we’d inspected all the cages, but we decided to stick around for the penguin feeding. We met the keeper of the day whose assistant threw out the first fish which instantly persuaded the penguins to take a dip into the water. My eldest niece was fascinated, but my youngest niece got a bit bored. It might have been because she was soaked through owing to not wearing any trousers. We drifted back to the flamingos, but I think she was more interested in being carried around on my shoulders. We spent the last part of our visit in the Jurassic reserve.


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