Saturday 13 November 2021

Plotting Penguins

‘Attention penguins. Yes, you lot! Listen! I have a plan! Look, I know I’m a bit young to be doing this sort of thing, but I can’t see that any of you have tried an escape plan before either. Look at me, don’t look at the others, look at me. You may be used to settling here and getting food thrown at you at regular intervals but I’d like to think that there’s a bigger world outside of these walls. And if you want to, you can still stay here and get fat and bored! Nobody says you have to come with me! But all we have to do is push those rocks together and we can jump out of this pit. I’ll even make sure that I can find a way for us all to get back inside if anyone changes their mind. And it’s not dangerous! All the humans will do is look at us, and we already know what that’s like as we can a few in to visit us every day! So, who’s in?’


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