Friday 12 November 2021

Soothing Purple

Travel insurance is one of those things that you don’t really need but it’s good to have. If you have a stress-free, the company’s laughing as they’ve made some cash out of you. But if things go wrong, that small fee that you’ve paid upfront can be very valuable indeed. I like to think of it as help that I’ve paid for advance, but then it’s a case of figuring out whether they’re obliged to help you, whether it should be someone else’s responsibility, or whether it’s your fault for not having a policy to cover that eventuality. After digesting the usual terms and conditions we decided to just go for the cheapest option which was to cover medical conditions, and that we’d deal with anything else ourselves should the situation arise. Hopefully we’ll be able to put our faith into our fellow man and find someone who at least could give us some advice on what best to do.   

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