Tuesday 16 November 2021

Hotel of Hatred #dreamdiary 120

I’m staying at a hotel! I can’t quite predict how to get there but I know where to turn when I see the local landmarks. It’s a stone building hidden on a corner behind another street corner. The ground floor has a series of barber poles in its glass restaurant but I know it’s a restaurant. I go through a door at the rear and climb a spiral staircase in a stone tower. I walk down a corridor alongside a window and enter my room. It’s a bit stuffy and warm so I decide to open the window. A man in a vest with scruffy hair and moustache is sitting in a lower room at the opposite side of the courtyard scowls at me a if he wants to get into a fight. Suddenly the floor gives and I fall through the hole and manage to grab onto the windowsill of the floor below. I look through this window for help but no-one is looking. 

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