Friday 26 November 2021


This series felt a bit drab. I liked the interchanging font in the series logo portraying mischief, but other than that Loki doesn’t really get to be that mischievous which leaves the show to be a bit dark and dull. I was very disappointed with the futuristic time agency and I’d expect something better than a run-down library containing files from the seventies and computers that wouldn’t look out of place at a shuttle launch. It even stars Owen Wilson as a senior cowboy-styled detective. The whole series just felt dragged out with lots of awkward pauses. I was hoping for more moments where Loki could travel through time and wreak havoc with his powers while the time agency followed his wake. There were a few random chuckles such as the military-style hunters arriving at a renaissance fair in 1985 and an alligator claiming to be a Loki but the characters lacked the energy that we’ve seen in the other Marvel spin-offs. Hopefully the next season will be a bit faster.

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