Friday 19 November 2021

The List

 I get given a weekly list of groceries to obtain for the house. We try and keep track of when we’re running low on things and stock up accordingly. On the evening before there’s usually a last-ditch attempt to check anything that we might have missed and we also look at what we’re up to in the forthcoming week and try to plan our meals accordingly, although a lot of the time it’s down to the dates of the produce that I buy. Then comes the great day of the shop itself. I cross-examine the list before I set off to try and eliminate any queries. I always try and get the longest dates possible to give us a greater flexibility of choice, but sometimes you’ve just got to go with what’s there. Sometimes there’s things off the list that I know we need, and sometimes it’s soon to make another purchase of a particular item. We usually work it out when we’re back at home and re-stock and freeze accordingly.

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