Saturday 6 November 2021

A Tweet too Far

I’m all for promoting events but a bit of common sense is required as to when an event is public and when it’s private. Why would you publicise another organisation’s annual general meeting to people who aren’t eligible to attend? It’s going to be very awkward to try and get any business conducted without any enquiries otherwise. The last thing you want is a bunch of strangers turning up to a gathering of a few club friends asking questions to what would normally be self-explanatory, and having to explain every single activity. It would certainly ruin the flow of the evening, and both parties would certainly feel the awkwardness. I’m not sure that any gate crashers would want to show up anyway. It’s a shame that that the retweeters didn’t read properly what they were re-tweeting. They’d be better off focusing on their own events rather than those of other organisations. It’s a perfect example of how not to use social media.

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