Tuesday 2 November 2021

In Anticipation of Something Bigger #empress8

People were dashing about everywhere in a sense of panic. Zhong pulled one aside who looked at him with a vague sense of recognition.   

‘It’s you, it’s you, you’re’ finally here!’ he said. Then he turned and ran down a staircase. Moments later, the rumblings got more severe for a moment, then stopped completely. A number of other guards dashed out carrying large beams of timber, presumably to reinforce the building.

‘Where is the empress?’ he asked a passing guard.

‘Oh, she’s gone on vacation. She said you can use her old throne room while you wait.’

‘Her old throne room?’

‘Yes, it needs to be extended a bit. When you’re ready, just follow the cave and it will take you back to your homeland; though you may want to watch out for…oncoming traffic.’

‘Won’t it be a bit noisy with all the alterations?’

‘Well, yes. You’d probably be better off sheltering in the cave.’

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