Thursday 25 November 2021

Death of a Gentle Lady by M. C. Beaton

Death of a Gentle Lady (Hamish Macbeth, #23)
Death of a Gentle Lady by M.C. Beaton
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

It’s a bit difficult to like a protagonist when they decide to go rogue for their own interests rather than for the greater good. But it seems to be a done thing in the Highlands where everyone’s partial to a drop of hospitality and doesn’t want to face change themselves, but are happy to help others. Still, could it be that every murder is linked to the newest resident of Lochdubh? It seems to be that way which gives Macbeth an easy job of defending the long-term locals. All he’s got to do is get the evidence, and sometimes most of the time it’s achieved by foul means rather than fair. It’s lucky that he can trust his fellow residents to back him up and it’s good to see that modern-day technology has finally reached the Highlands. And you can always rely on Beaton’s regular cast of characters to provide a few laughs.

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