Wednesday 3 November 2021

Bird is the Word

These are Caribbean flamingos. You can tell because they’re a brighter shade of pink. Perhaps it’s because of the sun, or more likely that their ancestors grew up in the sun. Apparently colour is also important for mating. I suppose that the brighter you are, the hornier you are and it makes you stand out, but it isn’t great for camouflaging yourself in the wild. This must be a rare moment because they’re actually on two legs. Maybe the party’s just getting started and they’re waiting for the DJ to put the music on. Or maybe they’re on patrol marching through the pond looking for food. They’re also situated in front of the park’s café. I wonder what they taste like? Per haps a gamey sort of chicken with a jerk flavour. Shrimp is one of their favourite foods, so it may even be possible to have stuffed flamingo? I suppose you’d kill it before the filling was digested though.   

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