Wednesday 24 November 2021

Death of a Tweet

I originally wanted to check out a canal picture which I’m told was beautiful in the Autumn. It was odd that it wasn’t displayed in the e-mail. After trying to find the tweet in my feed in my app, I discovered that it was deleted, so I decided to check out the app that they were trying to sell instead. It turned out to be a collective of independent businesses selling their wares and offering discounts provided that you subscribed to the app. I looked at the bar ones which mainly offered discounts off the bill on certain days. I suppose it’s handy enough if you live in the area or frequent these premises often and could be a moneysaver, but for a casual visitor it’s not worth it unless you’re specifically heading to these venues and there’s a saving to be made. If there’s any events on, I’m sure the app’s Twitter feed will tell me. But I wonder why the tweet got dropped. Maybe a copyright infringement was involved. It’s a shame, I bet it was a nice gesture originally.

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