Saturday 20 November 2021

"If you want something you've never had, you must be willing to do something you've never done."

 -Thomas Jefferson.

Obtaining things is a process, so this advice can be very specific. In a material world, to try something that you’ve never had before is to physically take it off the shelf or take an appropriate action to obtain it. Of course, if you want to win a game of chance and use the exact same strategy every time, it defies a new action as the result has come to you without effort. There’s also a process called ‘accumulation of wealth’, or savings in modern-day terms.  Most of the time when you want something, it’s all down to a very similar process. But when you can’t identify what the process is, you have to take the time to come up with another strategy. You need to compare the similarities and work through the differences. And this time you might succeed. It’s all about finding the method that works best for you.

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