Wednesday 10 November 2021

Agent Carter

It’s a shame that this show was cancelled before its time. It’s got an enjoyable fast pace with plenty of humour for its interactions between its characters and it’s set within an interesting time period. It’s also historically accurate with that time period’s attitude towards women, and the conflict between Carter’s activities and those of the SSR makes for a particularly interesting twist; although this does get harder to follow towards the end of the second season. I really enjoyed the musical ensemble towards the end of the second season and it would have been interesting to have seen more of these from different characters; although portraying Carter’s many love interests does put a bit of a damper on her otherwise righteous character, and these should have been spread out over a longer series, or at least put up against each other. I would have liked to have seen a bit of the SSR’s evolution into SHIELD and some interlinking stories such as Carter’s investigation into Reinhardt, her relationship with the Howling Commandos, or even a tie-in to Sousa’s death in the concluding season of Agents of Shield. Oh well, maybe Disney will see sense.   

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