Sunday 31 October 2021

Stuck Around the Metro #dreamdiary 119

I’m late for work. I decide that if I forego breakfast, I can make it on time and maybe stop at the convenience store on the way and buy a sandwich to sneak into the stockroom later. I head off on my e-scooter and park it outside the shop opposite the metro line. The whole area is full of sanded concrete buildings in a pedestrianised area containing shops in what used to be a huge housing estate with a jumble of roads and criss-cross green spaces. The e-scooter is still running. I ponder the best way to get to work from here. Should I backtrack on myself and go down the old road? Or should I turn off the scooter and walk through the precinct to catch a glance at our company’s newer store? I look at my watch and discover that I should have been at work by now. I take out my phone and start looking at Google maps to plan the best route. 

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