Wednesday 20 October 2021

Bourton-on-the-Water Model Village

It’s a cold, wet, day and it’s our turn to entertain the kids. We promised them a day out so off we head into the Cotswolds to look at the model village. It seems that despite the weather, a lot of other people have got the same idea. The local tourist trap car park is full of coaches and we take a lovely tour of the next pay and display lot only to discover that that’s full as well. We take a drive around the village and park in a backstreet outside someone’s house. It’s not ideal as we’re a short walk away but at least it’s legal and we’re not blocking anyone’s way. The girls don’t mind the walk as they’ve been inside the car for an hour and are keen to stretch their legs. It’s a shame that it’s a very busy road with nothing much in the way of sights.


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