Saturday 9 October 2021

"If they don't like you for being yourself, be yourself even more."

 -Taylor Swift.

Everyone wants you to conform to some sort of system, whether it’s how to behave while out and about or act in a certain manner, particularly in the workplace. But that can be kind of boring. If everyone’s doing the same thing, it just makes life predictable. Instead, you need to stand out and do what you want to do. Otherwise, you’ll be too easily persuaded to follow the herd and do things that everyone else wants you to do. If people want to mould you to act a certain way, then they’ve definitely got too much control over you. It also takes the enjoyment out of things. So why should you put up with it? You need to let them know that you’re not all right with it. You may feel kind of lonely at first, but others will follow you if you can make them see your point.  

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