Tuesday 26 October 2021

A model of a model within a model...

To be honest, it looks like a heck of a mess. It’s hard to say whether the newer buildings represent new houses built in the area or if they’re part of a restoration project. Is it genuine Cotswold stone, or is it just a plastic mould waiting for material to be added to it? There’s not really much in the way of a guide or an information board to tell you what you’re looking at, so it’s pretty much up to the viewer to decide. The public buildings were more interesting since some of them had sections of their walls removed so that you could peer inside. It looks like they want to stick to the traditional village rather than showcase how the village has evolved though. It would be great if they had a hands-on model section. Sure, they’d get some duff ones but they might pick up some new ideas too.    


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