Thursday 7 October 2021

What I Really Want

I’ll tell you what I want, what I really really want, don’t’ tell me what you want what what you really really want, I wanna zig-a-zig-ah! But if I don’t tell you what I want what I really really want, how am I supposed to get it? I suppose I’ll have to go and get it myself. It’s often a question I get asked when it comes to close to birthdays or Christmas, but I hate giving people the easy option. Instead, I like to think that they know me well enough to anticipate things that I’d like and enjoy. But I can't seem to obtain my goals and desires. I'd like a study income that pays enough to sustain myself and a family to go with it. But why can't I have these things when others can? Is it because I'm not trying hard enough? Or am I being too worn down by others through unselfish ways? I'd like a bit of glamour and a fun day out with people who are interested in spending time with me and like to invite me out to interesting places or events. It would be nice if I didn't have to do the planning and also be available for these opportunities. I’d like my things to be nicer with a bit less rat and tat and have room to store them. I’d like more time to spend pursuing new hobbies and projects.

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