Friday 1 October 2021

Black Widow

I was disappointed to learn that this movie wasn’t to be an origin film. I knew of Romanoff’s tie-in to the Red Room as she was introduced in the Avengers films, but what I was really looking for was a fill-in of the relationship between herself and Barton, maybe with some S.H.I.E.L.D agents thrown in. And some intimate moments would have been brilliant. Instead, we’re treated to a post-Civil War film with some new characters thrown in to prevent the release of brain-washing gas. And the use of Ray Winstone as a villain made it look too tacky and simple rather than a battle with someone who possessed superhuman powers. That said, the film did have a few interesting moments. I loved how Belova mocked Romanoff’s poses, and the locations that the film covered were quite spectacular. But the attempt to encourage a former hero to get back into his cape just failed. I couldn’t see him portrayed as a father figure, and perhaps this should have been covered in the introduction of the film. I also spent his every appearance wondering if her was Kelsey Grammer. The film is entertaining in itself, but it doesn’t really fill in any puzzles to the cinematic universe.      

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