Thursday 21 October 2021

A real real Wimpy wimpy

What was once a wimpy skinny guy with freckles on the nose that loved to prance around in water has now become a loyal friend. The belly might have grown a bit to the point of wondering if he’s pregnant, but a controlled diet has toned that back down again to be as short as his fair hair. He’s never ready at any physical activity unless it’s a walk with a pint at the end which often involves a beer gear. There’s an aura about him that he always has to be in labelled uniform and doesn’t realise when it’s time to be formal. He’s also not a great listener as information washes over him after it’s been explained. He’s happy to be committed to labour but isn’t a great instigator when it comes to planning, often choosing to shelter at home rather than taking a leap out into adventure.

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