Friday 29 October 2021

What is the craziest office scandal that happened at your job?

 I took on a temporary early evening cleaning job with two fairly aged mothers. We’d meet in the reception of an office block and we’d each load up a trolley of supplies to cover three or four office areas. We’d do simple things like vacuuming, emptying the bins, cleaning the toilets and scrubbing down desks. The offices were mainly for social security workers so we wouldn’t expect anything to be too gross, but everything had to be super hygienic and we had to wear gloves and even sanitise the phones. I guess that if the office workers walked in the next day and couldn’t smell any sanitiser then we hadn’t been scrubbing hard enough. We’d spend maybe half an hour doing our own areas then we’d put the kettle on and have a brew while our supervisor checked that our work was satisfactory. One day I received a note saying dear Mrs. Cleaner with a list of areas for me to focus on that evening. I guess they hadn’t cottoned onto equal rights yet. Yeah, I don’t have much experience of working in an office.     

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