Saturday 30 October 2021

Prancing around Penguins

We entered through the turnstile. For a half-term holiday it wasn’t crowded, but either the day-trippers have been and gone or the weather had put a lot of people off. The first thing we saw was the penguin enclosure. Nothing much was going on apart from they were out for a waddle.  There was a young one out refusing to take his eyes off the gate where the keeper would obviously enter to feed them, but other than that not much was happening. Further up, there was an observation bridge overlooking the pool. We walked around to look at various coloured birds in cages, then we decided to head into the café for lunch. From the outside it looked very nice with its tables and views, but as it was tipping it down we were huddled into a corner amongst the other sheltering families. I can’t remember what we had and there was a fair wait for service, but the girls did get an activity pack to play with while we waited.

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