Tuesday 12 October 2021

A Wander in Worcester Woods Country Park

We’re off for a walk in the woods. Well, what we’re really doing is attending a hospital appointment and using a free car park that’s situated just a ten-minute walk away. We arrive early to orientate ourselves and drive into a marshalled car park opposite a large modern office building and we’re directed into a space. As I leave the car, I ask one of the marshals if it's free parking because it's odd that there's marshals here. I'm told that it is free so long as we're not parking here to use the hospital. We head off and we’re aware that we're being casually observed, so we entered the woods rather than the tarmac path alongside it. At the corner we re-join the tarmac path and follow the signs to the hospital. Once we work out where our department is, we head backed into the woods as we’re still too early.

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