Monday 25 October 2021


Nobody really likes a secret. I suppose it's OK if it turns out to be a nice surprise, but the consequences of discovering information that is detrimental to your character can be upsetting. It's a right that you should have access to the same knowledge as everyone else, all and you can hope you is that you’ll discover it but it's not nice when you know that everyone is conspiring to keep things from you. Sometimes it's a game, but when it becomes part of your life it can really get hold of you. I don't have a shocking secret. I might have dirty habits that I don't want you to discover, but it's probably for the best if you do as it'll stop me from performing them owing to fear of embarrassment. I've kept certain truths or attempt to from parents to avoid getting into trouble, and I suspect a lot of people have done the same thing, particularly with the law as well. But some people are addicted to secrets. They thrive on gossip and action and wonder how long I can last before someone finds them out. Love, stop. It makes them particularly addicted to soap operas, usually because of who's sleeping with who.

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