Thursday 18 March 2021

Well, Well, Wells

We headed back to our hostel and snuck in a few beers to drink once the reception had closed for the evening. We supped these while watching a film, then managed a TV episode before turning in. The next day, we came up with the novel idea of catching the bus into Wells rather than driving so that we could do a pub crawl if we got bored. It didn’t take long to figure out where the stop was, although we were on the verge of giving up and getting the car out after all. The journey was quite pleasant as we had a superb view of the Mendip Hills. We also saw a cider shed with a fantastic garden which could be a possibility of a stop on the trip back. Today’s first landmark turned out to be the loading bay of a closed-down supermarket which was perfect for a photo opportunity. It was previously a clothes shop but before that it was the stomping grounds of Simon Skinner, a local entrepreneur.

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