Monday 8 March 2021

Conquering Cooper's

Our final stop for the day was to Cooper’s Hill, a steep incline famous for its tradition of people chasing giant cheeses down it. We had a history of rolling down steep hills and once rolled down the hill home after a night out at the pub. We managed to find a small lay-by outside a farm that acted as a par park then we had quite a climb up through a wood to get to the top. The hill itself was certainly a drop and the view itself was nothing short of spectacular. But what ruined it was a bout of health and safety as a fence had been erected to dissuade people from taking up the challenge without a marshal present. We’d come prepared for this though as we’d bought a bag of Babybel cheeses to roll down the hill ourselves; though we had to wait for a few moments for a bit of privacy as we weren’t entirely sure if were desecrating a sacred place. Unfortunately the hill was quite grassy, so it was a bit hard to see which cheese travelled the furthest. There was also a debate as to whether we should unwrap them first. And when we ran out of supplies, the winner got to eat the final cheese.

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