Saturday 27 March 2021

Clockwork Man

This is a man who likes things to run like clockwork. He’s happy to hang about for a few minutes if things are running behind, but he can’t wait forever. He’s got places to be and things to organise. He likes to be kept busy and he’s not used to relaxing. He’s a skinny man who’s neither tall or short or has any bulges in the right places, except perhaps for the mind where he’s a disciplinarian. An authoritative position certainly suits him, and he’s always dressed formally in a suit to illustrate the point. Long white hair falls and curls around his shoulders which suggests that he was a rocker in his former days but is paying the price for it now. But there is a friendly demeanour for those who treat him that way and respects the rules that are laid down. His smile is an honest one.   

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