Wednesday 31 March 2021

The Guernsey Literary Potato Peel Pie Society

This title sounds quite a mouthful, but the minute you learn that it’s set in WW2, you start to think of resistance plotting to throw away the invaders. Instead, you’ve got a romance story to follow where the protagonist is more of a detective than a lovebird as you attempt to work out what happened and why everyone wants it kept a secret. The only mystery that isn’t solved is how Juliet’s book came to be in Guernsey in the first place. I also learnt that those who choose their obligations lead much more interesting lives. A potato peel pie sounds very dry; although probably goes with the little humour illustrated here other than the opening scene. I just hope that we’re allowed to add things to it now that rationing is over. But the scenes that are filmed are just beautiful and it does take you back to a time where life was simpler.  

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