Thursday 25 March 2021

Artic Love

 Alexa’s latest interactive story involves a penguin who’s looking for love in time for the Artic ball. There’s pesky preparations, three creative locations to explore and even time travel. But alas, I could not find my true soulmate. I didn’t like the sound of the artic fox; the narwhale just broke up the party and the sea slug just wasn’t my cup of tea. I played it a few times to try and find true penguin companionship, but the best I could do was to waltz with a walrus. Maybe Alexa’s subtly breaking down racial barriers as we look for love. There’s some highly creative ideas about what artic wildlife get up to, but after a while it does get a bit samey when you’re listening to the same voice most of the time and some sound effects would make it a bit more immersing. At the end of the day, you’re choosing a slightly pre-written script to follow, but it does entertain you for a fair half-hour.

To play, just say alexa open the artic love interactive story.

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