Wednesday 10 March 2021

Rocking about Rocks

Our next stop was to the lesser known village of Avebury which is known for its stone circles that are bigger than Stonehenge. Rather than being roped off and put on display to the public, the whole modern village including its pub has been built up and around this site. My English Heritage membership granted us free parking to the site so we followed the laid-out dirt track into the high street and over to the visitor’s centre. We then discovered that a very reasonably priced guide walk was departing within the hour, so we got tickets and a coffee to pass the time. It was a very informative walk and we learnt why some stones were bigger than others; which ones marked the gates to the Neolithic village and tried to spot patterns in others. Our guide was very friendly and informative and there was a good mixture of Brits and Americans on the tour. Then it was time to go and pose for ourselves.


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