Wednesday 17 March 2021

My daughter does not want to have children which makes me very disappointed in her. What can I do?

You can’t force people to do what you want. But you don’t need to disown your daughter either. Give her time and she may change her mind. Perhaps she can’t and she doesn’t want to tell you the reasons just yet. You just need to respect and understand why. Abandoning and shaming her does seem a bit cruel. But there are other things that you can do. Perhaps you could interest her to be involved in a relationship where children are present, or develop one of your own. Could you in turn produce another child? Or is there somewhere in the community that you can get involved with to assist with childcare? Perhaps babysitting or tutoring could be the answer, or even volunteering at a local school or creche? It might be the end of the road for your gene pool but there’s still options that you can take to help care for children.

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