Friday 5 March 2021

It takes two to Tangle #dreamdiary 104

There’s a teenage girl in the house. She’s small for her age and skinny and flat-chested, but she’s got lovely legs that go into a miniskirt. Her ambition seems to be a mother so that she can live off benefits and hang out with her friends all the time. I’m trying to get her into a career; but her party lifestyle doesn’t exactly make her employable. She tells me that she’s recently had a miscarriage. To cheer her up, I decide to take her for a drive and take her purse-type dog for a walk. I leave them in a park and pop into a shop for some water just as it’s closing. I’m unable to get served and I’m followed out by two annoying tots. I twist their wrist a little bit and they follow me out of the store. When I get back to the park a crowd gathers as a pair of lizards are mating in a field. We head back to the car but the lizards follow us. When I open the boot for the dog, the lizards are the first to jump in. We can’t get them out but it’s cold, so we climb in the car anyway and I start the engine to get us warm. The teenage girl starts to drive and takes the car into a cul-de-sac and hits an old Peugeot which slams into the wall of a house. The occupant comes out and I write down my name and address for him on a tax form.

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