Thursday 11 March 2021

Under Pressure

With the world going mad in a pandemic, it’s sometimes difficult to get hold of medical equipment when you want to monitor your health; and it’s more frustrating when you have a diagnosed condition rather than paranoia. But I managed to collect this from nearby store that was just an extra few miles’ drive between work and home. And for a piece of medical equipment, it’s very easy to use once you figure out how to wear the cuff. The display is big and bold and after demonstrating how to use it to my mother she’s able to take her blood pressure by herself now. It makes a low vibrating noise that may alarm you at first if you haven’t used one before but it’s easy enough to get used to and enter a routine of recording your measurements as part of your day. There’s even a handy chart to compare yourself to the average adult before you start calling 999.  

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