Tuesday 16 March 2021

Jacking Around the Quarter Jack

 As we’d never been to Wells before, we hadn’t really worked out the best place to park. We quickly settled on an out-of-town supermarket and hoped that the car would still be there when we got back. It seems that we were here to visit famous sites from the 2006 action film Hot Fuzz. We started at the town’s Little Theatre where the premiere was held, then walked past The Globe to St. Cuthbert’s Church where local journalist Tim Messenger was murdered. After that we started to feel peckish and discovered that we weren’t far from the town’s Wetherspoon;  The Quarter Jack. This pub didn’t feel like much from the outside but was quite modern within. As the sun was shining we hit the beer garden which was still full of dinner rush plates, but we found a vacant pod built out of a concrete construction pipe. I opted for the pizza which wasn’t bad but could have been a bit more filling. At least the beer was crisp and refreshing.

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