Monday 29 March 2021

Sky View

All people want when they look out of a window is to know what’s going on out there. They either want distraction or to discover what is distracting them. They want a decent view. And though you know you might not be treated to breath-taking scenes every time you peer through a window, you know that if you can see the sky, you’re in a good position to see what’s going on. If not, you’ll have to move, even if it means just stepping through the door. People are changing the view all the time. They build and demolish structures on the landscape. They’re making tracks in the air through the use of jet engines. They’re using engines to create smog to reduce our visibility. They’ve even influencing the clouds by engineering the path that the wind takes by building structures in its way. It’s just a matter of time before that barrier between earth and space disappears completely.

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