Sunday 21 March 2021

A bit Ratty dreamdiary #105

There’s rats lose on the golf course. They’re darting about everywhere but no-one seems to worry as there’s a distinct lack of golf balls. No-one seems to mind the rats getting hurt and with every shot there’s no bounces allowed. An iPad is used to record where your rat lands then you follow the GPS to the spot. Then you set up a second tee while you catch another rat (unless you have a personal preference for the same one or you’ve bought your own supply). After we finish our game, we stand opposite the entrance to await our lift home. A huge statue of an angel catches our eye. There’s a giant stone hammer behind it. I spot a notice pinned to the front of the angel. It informs us that the statue has been sold to George Angelo of London. We debate whether this was purchased by a private individual or a firm who will relocate the statue. In any case, its removal is to make way for a new leisure centre.

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