Saturday 6 March 2021

Berking around Berkeley

The second time round was much more fun, though my friend was convinced that the curators were following him around to make sure that he was behaving. I don’t blame them with all that silverware out on show. We particularly admired the sideboard which had carved heads for doorknobs and was decorated with erotica. The Grand Hall was being used to showcase an exhibition of Strictly Come Dancing costumes; which I thought was a shame as we weren’t free to explore the hall in its original state. In the grounds, we posed on top of various cannons and wandered around the gardens admiring the lilies in the reflecting pool. After exploring the small butterfly house, we had a wander around the gardens identifying the home-grown herbs, plants and vegetables and took a delightful tea in the giant yurt. Then we popped into the village to browse the shops and pick something up for tea. After popping outside for a debate, we settled on a stew.

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