Sunday 14 March 2021

One for the Road

Having seen two excellent sites, we opted for a third and drove east to visit The Sanctuary. However, this was very disappointing. A small field contained polished black bricks where a stone circle might have been. Apart from that the field was pretty much bare. It was somewhat of an anti-climax for our visit to the area but we had to push on and get some driving done. We had to push through some roadworks at Devizes but got to Cheddar in plenty of time. We had to drive up a very narrow access road to reach the car park, and I was slightly concerned that we were behind a primary school. However, the room was cosy enough and contained only ourselves for the first night. The reception was little more than a small office which sold snacks, alcohol and acted as an information desk. Once we’d claimed our kitchen space, we decided to spruce ourselves up and head out to Wells for a reconnaissance walk.

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